Knowledge Hub

Welcome to our Knowledge Hub which contains links to many aspects of Borders College – from specialist course provision to a range of key information about opportunities available from Borders College.


Active Campus

Borders College has created an ‘Active Campus Portal’ to improve activities for all on Campus. This will bring together Sport and Exercise through the Active Campus Network and Cycling provision through Cycling Scotland to improve Sport, Health and Wellbeing opportunities on Campus.

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person standing in gym

Apprenticeships at Borders College

Read about Foundation, Modern and Graduate apprenticeships at Borders College

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digital technology

BASE Mountain Biking

This programme allows students to gain a suite of qualifications at SCQF Level 6 whilst developing their mountain biking skills, including NPA Achieving Excellence in Sport and SQA units in Psychology, Circuit Training, and Planning Personal Fitness.

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Mountain biker

Borders College Schools Academy

The Borders College Schools Academy will widen senior pupils’ experience of education and broaden their horizons, whilst learning skills that will help them in their future career choices.

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Supported Learning students

Borders College Technology Enhanced Care Hub (BTECH)

Scottish Borders Council, SBCares, Borders College and NHS Borders have come together to support the delivery of the integrated health and social care partnership by creating the Borders Care Career Academy, which provides a range of flexible training opportunities.

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group of women walking through a corridor

Convert Project

CONVERT, which stands for Construction Virtual Environment Resource Training, uses technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) to provide high-quality learning experiences that mimic real situations in construction.

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Students using convert equipment

Data Driven Innovation

The Edinburgh and South East City Deal is investing £25 million in eight employability- and skills-based projects, to overcome the barriers those from disadvantaged communities face when it comes to enhancing employability.

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eBook Prospectus

Borders College no longer produces printed copies of our prospectus, and all of the information required to apply for a Borders College Course can be found on this website in the Courses area.

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Scottish Borders Campus

English for Speakers of Other Languages – ESOL

Borders College, in partnership with Scottish Borders Community and Development, offers English classes for adults living in the Scottish Borders for whom English is not the first language.

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Students working image

Global Citizenship

You are our region’s future; you will be responsible for your learning and will find out where to gain support and guidance when required.

The courses we offer are relevant to the needs of global and local regions.

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Global Citizenship - Borders College logo

Green Skills Training from Borders College

The courses on offer cover key areas and combine online learning with onsite practical elements on a College campus near you, to ensure you gain the skills and qualifications employers really value. 

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Hawick Eco Room

Horse Care

Aimed at students who want a career in the equine industry, the course combines theory classes, practical stable management, riding and work experience

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Race Horse Care students

Immersive Classroom

The 360-degree room creates a 3D digital projection which uses all four classroom walls and the ceiling to bring the real construction world into an immersive experience for students using EE’s 5G network.

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Immerisve classroom

Innovative Tech for Business

Innovative Tech for Business supports SMEs with ideas for new products but lack the physical and/or technical capacity to develop, test, and commercialise them.

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Advancing Innovative Manufacturing project

National Training Programmes

Borders College is an approved Training Provider of National Training Programmes, which attracts contribution funding from Skills Development Scotland.

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Vehicle Maintenance student

Rugby Programme

Join the rugby course at Borders College and you could become one of the top names in Scottish Rugby to have studied with us.

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Rugby students

Rural Skills

The Rural Skills department is located at the Newtown St Boswells campus.

This site is ideally situated for access to the countryside, with approximately ten acres of farmland for College use within a short walk of the campus.

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image of a tractor in a barn

Rural Skills Pathways

An innovative partnership funded by the Scottish Funding Council showcasing career pathways for the land based sector in the South of Scotland.

A Borders College and Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) partnership.

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Rural Skills cover

Scottish Racing Academy (SRA)

The Scottish Racing Academy aims to provide learner-based training for anyone who would like to learn the skills required to gain employment in one of many roles in racing, as well as for anyone who already works in the horseracing industry and wishes to upskill their knowledge.

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The Scottish Racing Academy (SRA)

Scotland’s College Sector Communications and Marketing Strategic Plan

The Scottish Racing Academy aims to provide learner-based training for anyone who would like to learn the skills required to gain employment in one of many roles in racing, as well as for anyone who already works in the horseracing industry and wishes to upskill their knowledge.

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Marketing Plan cover

Skills for Life and Work

Our Skills for Life and Work programmes are designed to equip candidates with the skills they need to lead successful and fulfilling lives.  Our awards within these programmes start at entry level and can progress to level 4.  These programmes support candidates to achieve accredited qualifications.

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Group of students walking